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Louisville's Home for Classic Menswear --

Tailored Clothing, Sportswear & Furnishings

When it comes to classic menswear, you'll find today's best selections at The Fashion Post.

Built on the traditions of natural shoulder tailored clothing and tasteful gentlemen's sportswear, you'll find a full selection of merchandise edited and scrutinized for quality, consistency and fair value.

Our look is focused and well defined. So if your style is classic, preppy or updated you'll find it at The Fashion Post.

After taking a few moments to visit our site, please come to the store to see what gentlemen of taste (and their sons) have come to appreciate for 65 years.

If you have a question or request, give us a call at (502) 423-6700 or to join our e-mail list please click here.



Men's Clothing - The Fashion Post


Smathers & Branson Needlepoint Belts - City of Louisville, Bourbon Belts


One of a kind gift idea!

Handmade needlepoint belts -- Exclusively ours, from Smathers & Branson.

“City of Louisville” features iconic hometown images from Muhammad Ali’s boxing gloves to the Belle of Louisville.

“Bourbon from Field to Glass” takes a walk through every process of creating Kentucky’s favorite drink.

Only available at The Fashion Post!

Call (502) 423-6700, visit the store or order online by clicking the image today!


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BEST Men's Clothing Award

Voice Best of Louisville Winner - The Fashion Post - 2020